Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Breathing ladder

1 KB swing,
1 deep breath of air (in through nose, out through mouth).
2 KB swing
2 deep breaths
3 KB swing.. etc

up to 20, then back to 1.

All in all: 400 swings

24 KB. Time: 23 minutes 42 seconds.

Never, ever, ever do this with 24 kg kb again. I didn't quite get the O2 issues that I was hoping/expecting. Instead, my back started complaining quite heavily when I topped about 20. My hands were starting to hurt with blisters on the way down, but I still made it. Next time I'm going to do this with a 16 kg and do high-swings instead. That should cause more of an O2 problem.

1 comment:

  1. 5 / 6 days have been "training days" if you count in the yoga (It was sweaty and quite heavy on quite some muscles, so I'll count it as a workout-day). That's a good starting ratio.
