Sunday, 10 January 2010

I thought I had grip, part 2.

Wow, I'm not sure what I thought when I planned this workout(s)

1 RM Clean & Jerk.

Five rounds of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

Clean & Jerk:
60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100 (PR+PR), 105 (PR+Fail).
I loved that. I can go higher on the clean, 110 shouldn't be a problem. PR on both Clean and on the Jerk and on C&J :P My Clean is now higher than my powerclean!

CT was done with 70 kg.
Result: 22 minutes blank. The result here could be better if I hadn't done 1RM C&J just before. My grip was the thing that died. It died HARD. The last 2 rounds was done with singles on the cleans, which were the roughest and toughest part of the CT.

Seidi result: 14 minutes 16 seconds, done with 20 kg barbell. She started out with 30 kg but couldn't do the powercleans (she did those instead of cleans since she has just recently started trying powercleans). She lowered to 25 kg but that was too hard on the powerclean as well, so she lowered to 20 kg. Switching weights probably took up a lot of time so next time will be better!


  1. 9/11 workout-days. Still maintaining a good % of workouts... but then I'm counting yoga as a workout. 63.6% if not counting yoga. 81.8% if counting yoga.

  2. I must've been drunk. That was 8/10 workout days. (6/10 if not counting yoga).
