Monday, 4 January 2010

The Metcon death.

For time:
75 Swings (24kg), 50 Thrusters (20kg), 30 Pullups
Rest 2 minuter
50 Swings, 25 Thrusters, 20 Pullups
Rest 2 minuter
25 Swings, 15 Thrusters, 10 Pullups

I thought I had a decent grip.

I don't.

21 minutes and 50 seconds. I could have done better, sure... but this was painful enough.



  1. My body is so broken today, I was planning on going training this morning but when the phone rang and I tried to get up from the bed, the response was just a big fat no. I haven't had this much hurting from working out in several months.

    I'm going to "chill" today with a 100 minutes yoga-workout instead (it's sweaty as hell), and go for xfitting tomorrow again :)
