Friday, 18 December 2009

Back pains, sickness and other bad excuses.

I haven't been working out since monday. I'm not sure what I did during fran, but something hurt my back a little which has caused me to chill down from training for a few days. My back still hurts a little, though I should probably be good enough to start training tomorrow or so.

I've also been sick (wed/thur), sleeping TONS. Hopefully I'll be back to training tomorrow.

I've been looking a lot at clean, jerk, snatch, powerclean etc movies. I think I've read a lot about interesting techniques and I'm interested to put them to the test as soon as possible. Specifically I want to try out the techniques for cleans.

I've also ordered a book called MAQ, or Muscle Action Quality that I think will help me with my back and keeping some of my muscles in a better state (less stiff/tight).


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