Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Meh I suck, but the hip is better :)

20091201 - Alcohol Sucks (so does eating bad and general bad habits)

Warmup: Jarovek Complex


1 Min Max Rep Burpees = 21

3 rounds 4 second negative chinups : 5, 4, 3


3 x max burpee's is goal in burpees, each minute 10x high KB swings (50 lb) and as many burpees as possible.

Result: 10 swing / 11 burpee, 1 min rest, 10/7, 1 min rest, 10/8, 1 min rest, 10/8) fail time: 7:06

Not at all happy with my performance, but I was so smoked that I couldn't do anything. I think this is the result of having a few weeks off to let the hip heal, as well as some bad diet. I'll just keep at it and improve.

1 comment:

  1. You werent supposed to have that one minute rest inbetween rounds. Clock shoulb be ticking and new 10 swings on the minute EVERY minute, no matter how many burpees you did or not. :-)
