Friday, 15 January 2010

Uncomfortable zone, suffering, pain... and all of that.

I haven't done a workout like this one in a long time. This will also be my last blog on From now on I will put my blogs up on, in swedish.

Workout (courtesy of
10x Hang Squat Clean @ 50% 1RM +
2:00 minute AirDyne (15sec @ 100rpm/15sec @ 70rpm) +
2:00 minute Rest
Three Rounds
5 minute intermission (including 3rd-2min rest period above)

5x Two Handed KB Clean +
5x Two Handed KB Jerk +
2:00 minute Ski Erg @ >500m pace +
2:00 minute Rest
Three Rounds
5 minute intermission (including 3rd-2min rest period above)

8x Pull-up +
8x Push-up +
8x KB Swing @ 53# +
8x DB Push Press @ 2 x 25# +
8x KTE +
8x Pull-up
Three sets, Rest one minute between each

1: Hang Squat Clean @ 50 kg.
Did CrossTrainer instead of AirDyne. I'm not sure what I kept up but it was something like 40 kcal / lap.

2: Kb Clean/Jerk @ 20 kg per Dumbbell (did DB instead of KB). Rowing instead of Ski Erg. I did 1m30s instead of 2 minutes. Results were 440/430/440 meters.

3: I removed the first 8 of the pullups (after the first round). My time was running short and my body was not very happy with me. Pullups and KTE's were done at singles.

Every round pushed me to a place where I didn't want to stay for long. People gave me weird looks at the gym, etc. The Crosstrainer brought me to the brink of being able to stand and the rowing machine took it one step further. As I entered into the final part of the workout, I was experiencing issues with continuing at all... which is why I lowered the amount of pull-ups. I haven't felt this broken in a very long time.

Time: 41 minutes... something. I didn't care to stop the watch when I was done, I just had to rest.


Thursday, 14 January 2010


Workout at home today. My body has been quite broken the last couple of days because of sunday/monday workouts. My two recovery workouts (yoga+snatch-stuff yesterday) has been helping but I still felt that my lats had taken a beating from yesterday's pullup-part. I'll remember the pullup-sets to implement similar ones into my workouts in the future.

Today I did my workout in the evening, hoping that my body would recuperate a little bit extra.

Squats, pushups, HSPU, pull-ups, L-pullups.

Workout, Crossfit Uppsala tuesday workout:
For time:
50-40-30-20-10 KB swing/situps. (50 swing 50 situp 40 swing 40 situp etc).

9 minutes 49 seconds.

Satisfaction. I haven't felt this good in a workout ever in my entire life.
KB breakage:
50 / 30+10 / 20+10 / 20 / 10.
Situps pretty much unbroken (1-2 second rests here and there).

I'm not sure why I managed to push myself this hard. I mean sure, my training has improved tons the last 6 months and this is obviously one of the results from it. I did a KB swing-ladder last week and I felt that I was mentally more stable to push myself harder and harder. The swings were not split because of ability, but because of planning ahead. My arms were heavily loaded but I never once felt that I was having O2 problems. The situps were rougher because my core muscles tend to give up around 30 intensive situps. Using my entire body to complete the situps, I was able to continue to the end. I always felt like I could just give one more, and that's the thing that kept me going.

Tomorrow is friday, I have a workout waiting in the back of my mind that I've been wanting to do. Perhaps this is the time.


Wednesday, 13 January 2010

I like a good snatch

Taken from Catalyst Athletics ( I was pretty sore from my previous workouts (STILL), so this felt like a pretty easy-going workout that wouldn't break me down and should still give me a little bit of excersize!

Snatch - 75% x 1, 78% x 1, 80% x 1, 75% x 1 x 2
Clean & jerk - 75% x 1, 78% x 1, 80% x 1, 75% x 1 x 2
Front squat - med/heavy single
Kipping pull-ups - 3 x 65% of max consec reps/set

Started with CFWU (crossfit warmup).
Snatch: 50, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 50x1x2. (I did 50x2 :( )
Clean & Jerk: 75kgx1, 77.5kgx1, 80kg x 1, 75 kg x 2
Front Squat: Worked up to 100 kg. Felt fine. I can probably go up to 110-120 somewhere.
Kipping pull-ups: 14/14/12(fail)/14.

That's it!

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


77 minutes yoga.



Monday, 11 January 2010


100'th post.

5 RM Squat

For time:
A1: 25/20/15/10/5 pushups
A2: 30 walking lunges
(Do 25 pushups, then 30 walking lunges, then 20 pushups, then 30 walking lunges... etc.)

130 kgx5 Squat
5:00 on the metcon.

The 130 kg squats felt heavy. I've done 5x5x130kg as PR on work-sets so I was hoping that 130 wouldn't be this heavy. I've got to get on the squat-schedule and do 1 heavy squat / week. The metcon was nice though. Would have been hard to push myself harder than that.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

I thought I had grip, part 2.

Wow, I'm not sure what I thought when I planned this workout(s)

1 RM Clean & Jerk.

Five rounds of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

Clean & Jerk:
60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100 (PR+PR), 105 (PR+Fail).
I loved that. I can go higher on the clean, 110 shouldn't be a problem. PR on both Clean and on the Jerk and on C&J :P My Clean is now higher than my powerclean!

CT was done with 70 kg.
Result: 22 minutes blank. The result here could be better if I hadn't done 1RM C&J just before. My grip was the thing that died. It died HARD. The last 2 rounds was done with singles on the cleans, which were the roughest and toughest part of the CT.

Seidi result: 14 minutes 16 seconds, done with 20 kg barbell. She started out with 30 kg but couldn't do the powercleans (she did those instead of cleans since she has just recently started trying powercleans). She lowered to 25 kg but that was too hard on the powerclean as well, so she lowered to 20 kg. Switching weights probably took up a lot of time so next time will be better!

Friday, 8 January 2010


78 minutes Yoga.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Tabata Bear

Work up heavy 5 RM deadlift.
( Do 5 strict pullups between sets )

3 rounds of:

3 tabata intervals wallballs
3 tabata intervals deadlifts
3 tabata intervals KB swings

DL 5RM: 150kg. 4x5 pullups.

100 kg deadlifts, 16 kg KB (high swings), 8 kg wallball.

I don't remember all of the results, but I do remember most of the min/max per round

Wallballs (max/min): 12/10, 10/9, 10/8
Deadlifts (max/min): 8/4, 4/4, 3/2
KB Swings (max/min): 11/10, 9/9, 10/8

I'm not going to be able to walk for days. I pushed myself really hard, the only place where I could have done better was during the deadlifts. My back (which I have had a lot of problems with) went better than expected. Actually the KB swings were straining it harder than the DL's. Probably because of yesterday's workout.


Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Breathing ladder

1 KB swing,
1 deep breath of air (in through nose, out through mouth).
2 KB swing
2 deep breaths
3 KB swing.. etc

up to 20, then back to 1.

All in all: 400 swings

24 KB. Time: 23 minutes 42 seconds.

Never, ever, ever do this with 24 kg kb again. I didn't quite get the O2 issues that I was hoping/expecting. Instead, my back started complaining quite heavily when I topped about 20. My hands were starting to hurt with blisters on the way down, but I still made it. Next time I'm going to do this with a 16 kg and do high-swings instead. That should cause more of an O2 problem.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010



Yoga, 60 minutes.


Monday, 4 January 2010

The Metcon death.

For time:
75 Swings (24kg), 50 Thrusters (20kg), 30 Pullups
Rest 2 minuter
50 Swings, 25 Thrusters, 20 Pullups
Rest 2 minuter
25 Swings, 15 Thrusters, 10 Pullups

I thought I had a decent grip.

I don't.

21 minutes and 50 seconds. I could have done better, sure... but this was painful enough.


Sunday, 3 January 2010



10x KB Snatch (5 each hand)
20x KB Push-press (10 each hand)
30x Squat

3 rounds for time.

24kg kb.
Times (splits)
1:38 (1:38 delta)
3:29 (1:51 delta)
5:45 (2:16 delta)
8:19 (2:26 delta)
11:08 (2:59 delta) (end time)

First and second rounds went unbroken, unrested at top speed. The third round was a little bit more difficult, breathing was very heavy and my shoulders and lower back/hips started to complain. During the squats of the fourth round I was definetly into the "not fucking comfortable zone". Having to force away silly thoughts of taking a pause or drinking water, the fifth round broke me. After five snatches I had to run to the bathroom because I thought my dinner was about to give way. Luckily I stabilized after a little while at the bathroom, giving me enough rest to finish the last round in a really bad time. I was aiming for less than 10 minutes. Perhaps next time.

I might be doing yoga tonight or wait until tuesday, not sure yet.

I'm slacking, 2/3 workout days so far this year.


Friday, 1 January 2010

Goals 2010.

I can't really do a good evaluation from my last year.

I had some goals, Squat 160 kg (not done, but I haven't tried 1RM'ing). Deadlift 200 (done), I added a goal to deadlift 220 but my back has been hurting bad the autumn so I haven't done 200 kg deadlift in a good while. I wanted to powerclean my bodyweight, done. I wanted to press 75 kg, done. Unfortunately my goals for this year was involving 100% barbells.

Looking back on the year that has gone, the first 6 months was heavily barbell-lifting based. I didn't do a lot of metcons, I didn't do a lot of O2 work. Considering that the year of 2008 was mainly focused on crossfit / gym jones, this was a big change for me. I've increased a lot of strength during that part of the year, legs, back, core and upper body.

The second part of the year has been almost entirely cross-fit oriented. I've started training at Crossfit Uppsala, which has changed my view on training as in how it should be used and how people should be inspired to train. My training with Crossfit has increased my upper-body strength a little, but it has increased my coordination, my flexibility in some joints, my mental strength, my endurance (BY ALOT), my pannben (my sheer will) and I have reached levels of pressing myself that I previously thought was impossible. I have realized the strength of training in a group and the joy and happiness of working out with other people. I have seen people come to the Crossfit Uppsala with little confidence in themselves and their performance. Within only a few months these people have shown and learned (much like I) how good they really are and they have become confident in their performance.

I can really sum it up with: Hardships, through horrible events or simply by pushing yourself hard in workouts, is better enjoyed with friends. Hardships strengthens the mind and combining it with workouts creates better people. Healthy people.

My goals for 2010 are few, yet many. Simple, yet hard.

I want to push myself to the edge of what my body truly can manage. I want to become a better person and a better athlete, in all senses that includes.

Concrete goals are:
235 kg deadlift.
180 kg squat.
85 kg press.
I want to be able to do one muscle-up before the year is over.
15 unbroken HSPU.
Clean 100+, Powerclean 110+.
Jerk 105+.
I want to do 30+ unbroken pullups.
I want to row 500m in less than 1 minute 25 seconds.
Fight gone bad at 350.
I want to do fran below 5 minutes.
OHS 100kg.
300 workout (unscaled) less than 20 minutes.
300 kettlebell meltdown in less than 16 minutes.
I want to improve my documentation-skills when it comes to my training. (this blog is a good start for me).

Last but not least:
Snatch, 90 kg. (fuck yeah!)

Burpee Annie

For time:

25 burpee, 50 situp
20 burpee, 40 situp
15 burpee, 30 situp
10 burpee, 20 situp
5 burpee, 10 situp

11:58. I'm quite satisfied with this time since I am still hungover when writing this. I thought that pukie was comming for a visit when I was halfway through the second round of burpee's. Somehow it just didn't happen. I continued to think "just another round of burpee's and then..." for every round that went by. Fortunately enough I managed to avoid the visit totally.

I hadn't planned training today but fortunately Martin phoned me up and explained that there is no excuses. He was correct, as usual. Even though he (nearly) had me convinced, I was searching for reasons not to work out. I had a small cold so I was letting that get to me until the thought struck me:

Start a new year with a resting day? Are you crazy Simon? People might think you are soft.

Since I have an image to stand up to, I HAD to work out. It's all about the image, afterall.