Monday, 16 November 2009

Day 2: The mental blockade

I was planning on resting today, but Martin said I should train... so I did!

Today, was 'Barbara'. She's a nightmare.

20x Pullups
30x Pushups
40x Situps
50x Squats
... 5 rounds!

Round 1: Below 4 minutes (3:53 or something). Pullups 10+5+5, the rest pretty unbroken.
Round 2: Just above 6 minutes. Pullups 5/5/5/5, pushups were harder this round.. broke into several sets. I started feeling my lower legs on the end of round two, which caused me to give up a little on round 3:
Round 3: Just above 8 minutes. Broke everything into smaller parts, my lower legs started cramping. I was whining a lot too. I smashed my shin into the pull-up bar this round, causing me to bleed a little.
Round 4: Cut down push-ups to do them on the knee's. Cut down my squats to 25 instead of 50. Still just above 8 minutes.
Round 5: Pull-ups done with rubberband, push-ups done on knee's but mentally I came back here and pushed through on 6 minutes. Did the situps/squats unbroken and just ignored the lower legs even though they cramped a bit. I was probably dehydrated which could have caused the cramps so much.

Generally I'm terribly unsatisfied with my results. I should be able to push through this one with all rounds below 6 minutes, but somehow I just couldn't put my mind to it during round 3 and 4. I wanted to give up and it all felt like it sucked ass. I did get back on the 5th round, starting to think about "This is where I want to be, this is what I want to do". I need to get back to my mental level from before my sickness... also I need to get back to my physical level from before my sickness :) I should be back in my old shoes within a week or so.

/Simon out.


  1. If Aaron wants to do this: it's 5 rounds, but with 3 minutes of rest between rounds.

    All rounds within 6 minutes is really good btw

  2. Ahh cool. Thanks. I'm starting back up tomorrow as well. I've got no excuse.

  3. Good work buddy, no shame in feeling like crap after "Barbara"!
