Thursday, 26 November 2009

PR comes and it droppa de bombs!

Today was another awesome day at the crossfit gym! Today we started out with some ring-dips with slowly going down and trying to explode to get to the top position. I'm not really strong enough to get those explosive... yet!

3 rounds of:
20 high-swings (24 kg kb)
20 frontsquats (24 kg kb)
20 burpee's

Old result 12:53 (I think, not 100% sure on exact time).
Results: 11:19 (PR!)... I'm not exactly 100% sure about this time either, they could be a few seconds off. I'm certain that I improved by more than one and a half minute. That means that I've improved like 12-13% in the last 2 months. It felt good, I pushed myself hard and even though I really needed to go to the bathroom I could get it all through. A few seconds extra rest here to focus on clearing the other "needs" but I don't think my results would have been noticably different if I have had no worries to think about.

We rounded off with 3x maxrep strict pullups.
Results: 11 - 7 - 5. Not completely satisfied with these results. I should probably be able to pull 15 as a top-rep on these. Going to add some extra strict pull-ups during next week to compensate for those.



  1. You're working hard and that gets you to reap the benefits as well - Congratulations!

    We're really proud of you Simon, and happy to have you with us! Now go rest up over the weekend and we'll begin yet another leap of performance.

  2. Last Pr 12:56 and the current is correct! Just keep moving through the burpees and you should go sub 11! I was actually surprised that you didn´t want rubberband-assistance, 11 reps after the metcon before is great work!

    Manne also shaved off 1,5 min of his last time, great improovement.

  3. Thanks guys! Awesome vid, great work with it!

