Thursday 14 January 2010


Workout at home today. My body has been quite broken the last couple of days because of sunday/monday workouts. My two recovery workouts (yoga+snatch-stuff yesterday) has been helping but I still felt that my lats had taken a beating from yesterday's pullup-part. I'll remember the pullup-sets to implement similar ones into my workouts in the future.

Today I did my workout in the evening, hoping that my body would recuperate a little bit extra.

Squats, pushups, HSPU, pull-ups, L-pullups.

Workout, Crossfit Uppsala tuesday workout:
For time:
50-40-30-20-10 KB swing/situps. (50 swing 50 situp 40 swing 40 situp etc).

9 minutes 49 seconds.

Satisfaction. I haven't felt this good in a workout ever in my entire life.
KB breakage:
50 / 30+10 / 20+10 / 20 / 10.
Situps pretty much unbroken (1-2 second rests here and there).

I'm not sure why I managed to push myself this hard. I mean sure, my training has improved tons the last 6 months and this is obviously one of the results from it. I did a KB swing-ladder last week and I felt that I was mentally more stable to push myself harder and harder. The swings were not split because of ability, but because of planning ahead. My arms were heavily loaded but I never once felt that I was having O2 problems. The situps were rougher because my core muscles tend to give up around 30 intensive situps. Using my entire body to complete the situps, I was able to continue to the end. I always felt like I could just give one more, and that's the thing that kept me going.

Tomorrow is friday, I have a workout waiting in the back of my mind that I've been wanting to do. Perhaps this is the time.


1 comment:

  1. (notes to self, 12/14 (85.7%) day workouts. 9/14 (64%) without counting yoga.
