Monday, 26 October 2009

Back to reality

So after a weekend of chips, beer, whiskey and other horrible things... I only have one evening left of that kind of behavior.

Anyways, training is back into its regular schedule.

We started out today with:

3RM press / push-press / push-jerk.

I went directly for the push-press and skipped the ordinary press. Unfortunately, because of time, I didn't really have the time to maximize all of them. Results were 70 kg on the push-press and 90 kg on the push-jerk. I think I can probably go up 5-10 kg's on the push-jerk, and more on the push-press. Oh well, it felt good anyway - haven't done any heavy push-press / jerk recently.

The metcon part:
I'm not sure how long our room is, but my guess is roughly 10-15 meters.

3 x room length walking lunge.
30 pullups
2 x room length walking lunge holding 2x24 kg kettlebell's
20 pullups
room length walking lunge holding 15 kg overhead weight
10 pullups

Time: 6:38 (I think, somewhere around that anyway).

This workout was awesome. I really needed some pullup-training and I even did 10 before starting. I feel the pull-ups getting better and better, and I'm hoping that I can do 21 in a row soon to be able to improve the time on fran. Speaking of that, I'm hoping to do fran this week (maybe wednesday) as an extra-training. I feel like I can get a lot better than my previous time.

Oh well, back to work / life etc. Tonight I'm going to watch "Every second counts" with Martin. I'm really looking forward to that!



  1. Wow sounds like an awesome workout. I may take today off and do this one tomorrow. Not sure yet. Good work! Very sexy workout!
