Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Bodyweight Fran deeds, done dirt cheap

Sorry for the short post, my bosses boss is in town and gotta hit the hay.

Jarovek Complex Warmup


5x 95 lb (43.18kg)
4x 105 lb (47.7kg)

*had to stop because my shoulders aren't flexible enough yet I think.

3-3-3-1-1-1 Powerclean:
3x135 (61.4kg)
3x155 (70.45kg)
2x165 fail (75kg)
1x165 (75kg)
1x185 (84kg)
1x205 fail (93.1kg)
1x195 (PR) (88.6kg)
1x200 fail (90.9kg)


Then Burpee Helene:

21+15+9 reps of pullups+burpees

Time: 10:20 (PR)

This time really sucked. But my heart was racing the whole time and effort was very very high. So I can't say I am disappointed...

I am sure I will do great in the future. Not sure why it's so hard on these high intensity timed workouts :(

Bodyweight: 100KG


  1. Hey bro!

    Good job on the workout, congrats on the PR's!
    The OHS is really rough on the shoulders, try adding 5-10 to your warmup (or to your javorek complex) with empty bb.

    Awesome job on the powerclean, 88.6 is sweet! You're getting there. If you can, record it and watch the vid yourself / send me the vid to watch it and comment form.

    You actually did bodyweight fran, not burpee helene :) Good job anyway!

    The reason why it's so hard on the high intensity workouts is because you're one big man. 100 kg or one deciton is not a small weight to move. Burpee's are rougher the heavier you are, and you're doing great!

    Good job, it's fun and interesting watching you improve!

  2. Dude, intensity is relative - it sucks for us small people too! :-)

    Nice job Aaron! Great PC! And bodyweight excercisec will of course be tough with a big frame, so don't compare times to other too much (just a little for fun) and focus on hunting that intensity. Short rests are the key.

    If you have to break too much then lower volume (in this case reps). I think BW fran should aim for <5 mins, so maybe 15-12-9 or even less volume would be perfect. You will have more intensity (and therefor long-term gain) with this approch instead of taking a high intensity metcon and making it a strength circle. This is not cheating, shortcuts or anything - this is just smart.

    Hop it made sense - bit stressed at work :-)

  3. Thanks gentlemen :). This is quite a bit of fun. I appreciate the constructive feedback. In regards to recording, I don't have any devices with which to do that. I'll see about doing that in the future though (buying a small recording device), maybe this weekend. Lol, never thought of my weight as a decaton, but that rules :)
