Friday, 16 October 2009

KettleBell, Push, Pull, Squat - and recruit people to workout with you!

Steph and I hit the gym eager for tonight's workout. Kristin was there as well and just getting started in her workout. Always up for a challenge, she agreed to do this workout with us. She's a bit of a freak, but in a good way, and performed quite well:

2 Rounds:
60 sec KB swing
90 sec rest
60 sec Pushup
90 sec rest
60 sec Pullups
90 sec rest
60 sec Air Squats
90 sec rest

(perform until failure, then perform at start of rest until failure)

50 lb (22.72KG) kettlebell swings

Round 1: (round 2)
KB: 37/11 (25/8), Pushups: 40/9 (27/11), Pullups: 11/7 (7/5), Squats: 30/20(28/13)

12 lb (5.45 KG) kettlebell swings (she went uber light weight to get better at form etc.)

Round 1: (round 2)
KB: 29/20 (26/21), Pushups: 8/5 (9/7), Pullups (120 lb assist): 10/5 (9/5), Squats: 38/25 (34/17)

I think it was 35 lb kettlebell (16 KG) but might have been more?

Round 1: (round 2)
KB: 25/12 (20/12), Pushups: 25/13 (23/12), Pullups: 11/7 (12/5), Squats: 30/12 (34/17)

***I was impressed with the athletes today, very hard work throughout!

Then: 3 Sets of 3 press, 3 pushpress 3 jerks

125 lb: 2/2/1 (56.8KG)
105 lb: 3/3/2 (47.7KG)
105 lb: 3/2/2 (47.7KG)

25 lb: 3/3/3
30lb: 3/3/3
30lb: 3/3/3

75 lb: 3/3/3 (34.09KG)
75 lb: 3/3/3 (34.09KG)
75 lb: 3/3/3 (34.09KG)


  1. I hate that kristin's shoulder press is just 20% under mine. wtf.

  2. that's a backhanded compliment btw

  3. Holy cow! 3 of you?! That's AWESOME! Go go recruiting people.

    Did you do ordinary swings or high-swings (up above your head?) Awesome job on the pushups, you did more than I did! Both rounds! Sheez I gotto start training more now, you're catching up.


  4. High swings, but I'm not sure if I'm going BACK far enough on them. Going to watch more vids on it.
