Monday, 19 October 2009

Swing and squat!


Many new people at the gym today, which is excellent! Some new faces with previous experience of crossfit and some other interesting talents.

So first out today was 3RM squats. Unfortunately I only had one attempt at 100+ and that was 120 kg, it felt like a breeze. I think that I can probably squat 125 or so 5 sets 5 reps still, which means that I haven't lost anything in my squatting from the last couple of months of training (even though I haven't done any heavy squats other than frontsquats/OHS). It felt great! I'm going to try to do heavy squats on saturday or sunday.

30 seconds of squats, 30 seconds rest.
Max-rep swings (24 kg high-swings).

Squats: 34 / 32 / 35
Swings: 50 / 15 / 25

The second round for swings really sucked. My back died really fast and I just had to let go. If I would have thought of putting more snatch into my hips during the second round I probably would have been able to do 25/25 for the last two. I'm not at all disappointed though. 35 squats in 30 seconds must be a new record for me.



  1. Couple of things:

    1) how did I get 3 workouts behind? The next few days are going to be fun catching up.

    2) on this workout, is there a rest between 1st and 2nd set? 30 seconds? more? Let me know :)

  2. Hey dude!

    1) I've been doing 3/1 for quite a while now. Except last week where I did a 2/1. It's ok if you're a couple of days behind. Don't let it get to you. If you want to catch up. Choose the one you like the best and skip that one.

    2) Yeah, rest like 30 seconds between the swings and the squats.

  3. Nice job! 35 reps in 30 secs of squats is not far away from the limits what is physically possible at full ROM. And 50 reps of high swings is great! I guess the grip really got taxed on that one...
