So today's workout was pretty gruelling. The thing is, I'm trying to wear Kristen out, but she's a higher fitness level than me. This turns into killer workouts for me, and hopefully good workouts for her. Anyway, can't wait till Steph jumps into the fray, so we can suffer together :). I may start calling this Hell on Earth, if I can ever make my workouts truly nuts. Anyway I digress.
Warmup: Jarovek Obv.
1) Snatch (real snatch-squats), 1RM
K: 25x6 45x3 65x3 65x2 70x3 75x1/1/1/1 (4 fails)
A: 45x6 65x3 85x3 105x2 125x1/1 (2 fails), 65x1
*Going to review the snatch w/squats and see about form. These felt like we were not getting the form totally right, both of us, with slightly different issues.
2) 3x5 Heavy Squats
K: 65x5 95x5 115x5 115x6 135x6
A: 95x5 185x5 225x5 225x5
*kristen psyches herself out with the weight. She needs to focus on adding more weight, just a mental block, no big deal.
3) 30x Manmakers For Time
K: @30lb 12:52
A: @45lb 17:40 (PR)
*This was absolutely nuts
4) just some pullups
Hey bro!
ReplyDeleteGood to see improvisations on the schedule! It looks like you guys had an awesome workout. I'm so proud of you :) Snatches are difficult, really really difficult. Specifically once you get into weights that feel heavy you really need to get below the bar FAST! That's really difficult.
I didn't work out yesterday and I'm not working out today :( I've felt a bit ill, my throat and ears have been hurting slightly so I thought I'd break it at 4 workouts last week and get back on track next week. Feels like I've making a lot of excuses lately for not working out - to be honest it's because I think I'm getting worried about not being able to work out properly because I train too hard at times when I shouldn't. I'd rather take 2-3 days extra off rather than facing 1-2 weeks without working out.
Love the pic btw :)
Oh yeah, doing squats is more psychological than anyone thinks. Once people hit the bodyweight squat it seems like they're worried about being able to do it when they probably wouldn't have a problem with 120% or even 130% of bw. It's scary and it often helps failing in a rack with supporters a couple of times just to be confident with failing even squats.
Thanks for the comments :) Sorry to hear you're ill. I totally don't think that you make excuses or slack at all. In fact, I didn't want to do anything today, but couldn't help it. I am really feeling yesterdays workout and may have to take tomorrow off too lo. hit it so hard :(