Sunday, 25 October 2009

Training @ home!


So I weren't going to the gym today. I promised a couple of people that, so I just trained at home instead. I felt much better today than earlier, so I thought it'd be ok!

Warmup: burpee's, some tumbling around generally. Bit of handstanding.


maxrep HSPU

50 pushups for time. 1 minute rest.
75 situps for time. 1 minute rest.
100 squats for time. 1 minute rest.

maxrep HSPU

Dead-hang pull-ups (sorta).

HSPU: 4 (PR)
Pushups: 2:21
Situps: 4:03
Squats: 2:28
HSPU: 1 :(

Dead-hang-pull-ups-ish: 25 (didn't measure time). They were done in my closet, area/room was restricted heh :P

I became sweaty, for sure!

It felt good just simply working out to keep form etc.


  1. Good job buddy, looks like you really pushed it and did well :)

  2. I'm going to buy me a kettlebell for home next weekend. I needs it bad.
