Thursday, 29 October 2009

Rest day(s)

Yesterday and today as rest days. The hip is a bit hurt, not sure what I should do about it. Here's an example of how it hurts. When I am walking, and my left leg goes forward, it's my right leg, in the front, just below the hip socket that hurts. Not sure if I pulled my quad up high on the lunges or what. Any recommendations on what I should do would be appreciated.

The pic was just for fun. The rifle I have is for hunting deer, it's pretty much the American equivalent of the FN-FAL. Just thought the pic would be funny.

So yeah I'm a bit nervous about the hip, it happened deep in my lunge, left leg forward, and it felt like a "pop" in the right leg just below the hip socket, but in the high upper quad. Any advice would be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Is it swollen?

    It definetly sounds like something in your hip muscles. A wild guess is that your tensor fasciae latae popped behind the bone? I'm definetly out in deep water here, but looking at how those muscles works, it sounds as if a deep lunge could put a pressure on that muscle and having it pop behind the bone.

    You can read about what it does on wikipedia:

    There's some really good pics there that you can check out on. Try feeling which muscle that hurts and connect it to that part.

    No matter what it is, I suggest resting the hips (no lunges/squats/situps), massage it several times every day. Try to find some deep-muscle massage creme (you can buy em at many health-stores probably - just ask the people there). You can probably work out the rest of your body pretty fine as long as you chill out that part. If you try to do some basic moves around the house, see what it feels like. If it gets worse or hurts, rest for another 3-4 days.

    It's either that or go see a kiroprachtor(sp?) and see what they say. It's not likely that they'll say anything except "rest" tho.

    Hope that helps bro :/
