Yeah 'meh', that's what I have to say about today's training.
Warm up: barbell complex (thank you javorek), squats, pullups etc.
Work up heavy squat.
3x5 Squat.
Result: 120 kg, 3x5. It felt like my legs were really hurting bad after the third set so I stopped. I was thinking about doing 5 sets but I haven't really done this heavy workload on my legs since a few months back so I decided to not push it too hard. I'll try to throw in squats again on saturday or sunday just to push those 5x5 120 or even 125 kg.
Snatch (real snatch-squats), 1RM.
10x 20kg
5x 40kg
3x 50kg
1x 55kg (PR, since I've never snatch-squatted before).
1x 55kg
Fail: 60 kg.
Man that was rough. More technique demanding than I first thought. Probably a little bit stupid to do snatchSQUATS after heavy squats, so I suggest doing this one before doing the squats. It wasn't really the squats that was the issue though, sure it was heavy on the legs but the problem was more in technique and actually getting in under the bar. So much harder than power-snatches (which I can do 60 kg in). It was fun tho, I really liked training this. More technique needed.
Tabata intervals; rowing.
Now this was interesting. I could set a set amount of time to run the machine at, but it could only do one round. My rest between the sets are vague at best. I reset the round, took 3 breaths and kicked the next round. I hope that was roughly 10 seconds.
Total: 852m (PR). Wow. Ow. Woooow. Ooooooooooow. It took me more than 4 minutes just to recuperate from this. I was sweating so hard that it hurt just laying on the floor with my eyes shut as hard as I could, the sweat was everywhere. One guy even came off his bike and asked if I was ok. I have to note, Björn and Martin have 844/845m. My goal was to beat them and I knew that I would if I kept an avg of 106 or more. I'm pretty proud over that, actually. heh. I wouldn't have been able to do that 2 months ago, I'm not ever sure I would have been able to keep an avg over 100.
Spartan push-ups, 3x 10 (one hand on the "correct position", the other one at your belly button but further out to the side... if that makes sense).
Normal push-ups, 20.
No time or anything, I just felt like I needed to get better in push-ups, so I did push-ups with a little bit of variation.
Besides the rowing today felt like meh. It was unstructed and I probably should have planned the METCOM part a little better than just the tabata-rowing. Atleast I got out there, I failed waking up this morning so this was the replacement.